The thing that sets CK apart from other grand strategy games is that you play as a character and as such creating and picking a good heir is a key part of the gameplay. Maybe others disagree but I feel like the ease with which this can be done and the impossibility of losing traits once you have them takes away one of the most fun parts of CK for me, and in particular makes the late game a lot more boring.

My late game of every single CK3 game I've played is just constantly dismissing messages of another family member having a genius, herculean, beautiful, fecund baby. It's pretty much impossible to lose these traits once you have them, and instead of prioritising some particularly good heir I'm just choosing out of dozens of perfect ones that I didn't even need to keep track of during their childhood or education for them to turn out so well. Because the genetic straits are so strong this also means that pretty quickly most leaders in the world that share my religion will also end up like this just because of obscure family members getting married off. In comparison in CK3 the combination of the Blood legacy path and the strengthen bloodline decision essentially means that unless I'm intentionally playing badly, after about 5 leaders maximum everyone in my dynasty is a genius, herculean, beautiful demigod. In my entire time of playing the game I only got one character that was born genius/strong/attractive and that was only because their father had those traits through immortal cannibalism. Even when you'd got to the point in the game where the AI couldn't feasibly challenge you, it was still something to do and would keep me interested. You always had to focus on keeping genetics good which also made it rewarding when you did get a good genius heir, and it made me care more about keeping them alive, maximising their traits and making sure they did well. I played with open succession like 90% of the time and even with the huge pool of potential successors you still often got unlucky and might end up with an heir with no genetic traits.

I'm not sure about others but a huge part of the fun of CK2 for me was getting the ideal heir through a mix of focusing on good breeding for the genetic traits, focusing on getting a good education and then making sure succession worked out so that the ideal heir got on the throne.